Top 10 Dumbest TikTok Challenges

Masud Rana
5 min readNov 10, 2022


Top 10 Dumbest TikTok Challenges

Tiktok might be the biggest platform for short videos and the most popular social media of the 21st century. However, TikTok and Stupidity seem like the same word to me. Of course, there are fantastic creators out there! However, you must admit that those creators don’t get as much appreciation as others who lip-sync.
However, we are not here to discuss how TikTok is stupid or the ‘Bad effects of TikTok.’ We can always discuss that another day if my readers want to. But today, we are here to look at Top 10 dumbest TikTok challenges in the history of TikTok. Let’s not waste time and dive in!

1. Benadryl Challenge:
We all know what Benadryl is and why we use Benadryl. However, some teenagers thought taking a ton of Benadryl at a time would be a good idea. They thought it would be a good idea because It would make them ‘High’ or hallucinate.
This trend emerged when a pandemic was going on worldwide, meaning that this trend went viral in 2020. When someone made a TikTok, stating that taking a ton of Benadryl makes you hallucinate or make you ‘High.’ After that, several youths on TikTok started posting clips in which they ingested diphenhydramine, often known as Benadryl, to induce hallucinations on camera.

Tiktoker went into coma after doing this challenge

In August, a teen died after doing this challenge. The amount of damage this challenge caused made the FDA release a warning stating that doing this challenge can be fatal.

2. The Blackout Challenge:

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Blackout challenge’, ‘choke challenge’ or ‘pass out challenge’ is a challenge where people record themselves while they hold their breath until they pass out. Basically, when someone holds their breath for a long time, their brain lacks oxygen, and then they faint. However, what many don’t know is that it can cause severe brain damage or even sometimes it can cause death.
Although this trend did not start on TikTok, it became viral through TikTok. In 2021, seven teens died while doing this challenge, which led to several lawsuits against TikTok.

3. The Cha-cha Slide Challenge:

This challenge is basically people driving and whenever the ‘cha-cha’ song said ‘to the right’ or ‘to the left. People would swerve their cars to the right or left instantly. This could sound ‘not so dangerous, but this is the most dangerous thing to do in the middle of the road.
Although no one has to die by this challenge. But a lot of people got into a car accident, just by doing this stupid challenge.

4. The penny challenge:

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The Penny challenge was a challenge, where people would stick a coin in prongs of a phone charger as it was still connected to an outlet. The point of doing this stupidity was getting a little shock in their fingers. But what people didn’t know it could make the outlets explode and set the house on fire.
A student of Plymouth North High School dared to do this challenge in school. Although no one was hurt because of this stupidity, still that little arsonist had to face some charges. Moreover, this challenge made professional firefighters go nuts and issued warnings regarding this challenge.

5. The CoronaVirus Challenge:

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In march 2020 some TikTok users started a strange challenge, named the ‘Corona Virus Challenge’. Where people would lick random places to get infected by the deadly virus ‘Corona’. Door knobs, car handles, Toilet seats, and whatnot. There was no limit to doing this challenge. And without any surprise, many people got coronavirus and were hospitalized after following this stupid trend.

6. Skull Breaker Challenge:

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This has to be the most fatal challenge of all. Three people would jump up in the air together and they would kick the feet off of the middle person. Which would make that person fall to the ground by the head.
And again, without any surprise, many kids got a concussion after falling by their head.
7. Slap a Teacher Challenge:

I think the name of this challenge is pretty self-explanatory. It is just slapping your teacher, just for the sake of clout and a little giggle. At first, TikTok authorities tried to spread a narrative that this challenge is a total hoax, but this didn’t stop some stupid people from doing this challenge.
A student even faced charges, after doing this disrespectful challenge with their teacher. She was sentenced to 10 years of jail after this went to court.

Image Courtesy: NYpost

8. DIY Fang Challenge:

DIY fang challenge is the challenge where people would make their own DIY fang challenge for Halloween. But rather than putting them in their teeth with normal glue, they were actually gluing fangs with ‘Gorrila Super Glue’.

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9. The Hot Water Challenge:

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A challenge where kids would pour boiling hot water on themselves or their friends. Yes! You guys heard it right! They would actually put boiling water on them for this challenge, resulting in severe burns on their body.
We know that many people doing this were kids. But what they were thinking that pouring boiling water will do to them?

10. The Teeth Filling Challenge:

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The teeth filling challenge was a challenge where people would use nail fillers to shorten their teeth and record themselves doing this. However, what people didn’t know is this can cause teeth to get extremely distorted as this kind of thing was only supposed to be performed by professionals.
Many people had their teeth get worse and made dentists come out and tell people how it is so dangerous or not good for their teeth.

Well, my friends, this was the top 10 stupidest TikTok challenges. Feel free to point out any errors and do let me know if anything else you guys would like to know about.



Masud Rana
Masud Rana

Written by Masud Rana

I am a simple boy, who has a great interest in reading and writing as well

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